Disability Confident is constantly looking to extend the offer to employers that sign up to the scheme. To help you on your journey, Disability Confident Leaders are sharing their best practice, advice, guidance and resources around the topic of Terminal Illness and Long Term Conditions in the Workplace.
Please read the information below, which we hope you will find useful.
Terminal Illness and Long Term Conditions in the Workplace
It’s fair to say that we don’t talk about death and dying enough in society and it’s the same in the world of work. Supporting workers with a terminal illness or long term condition demands a supportive and caring approach and is distinct from general ill health.
Terminal illness can impact anyone of us during our lives, from the CEO of a corporate organisation to an apprentice. No matter what job you have or industry you work in, suddenly we could find ourselves in this extremely difficult situation. And when people are in such vulnerable positions it is important that they are given as much support as possible.
I think we can all agree that the last thing a terminally ill person should have to worry about is their job.
That is why it is important that through this specialist thematic programme, Disability Confident Leaders share as much information about this subject as possible.
The TUC Dying to Work Charter is an example of best practice of supporting terminally ill workers. At the heart of the Charter is the emphasis on the individual having choice. A choice about whether they want to continue to work, whether they leave to spend time with their families or work for a period of time before leaving their employer – all free from the fear of being dismissed on capability grounds.
By signing the Dying to Work Charter, an employer is making a commitment to their employees and by doing so, giving them the reassurance that should the worst happen, they will not be dismissed and their families’ financial security put at risk. This message is likely to result in a more engaged and motivated workforce with a potential positive impact on productivity. Contrast that with the potential impact on the morale and productivity if a valued member of a close knit team received a terminal diagnosis and wasn’t supported fairly throughout their illness.
By signing up to Disability Confident and the Dying to Work Charter, you are demonstrating the values that many consumers want to see in businesses and public services.
Disability Confident Team
Programme Details
Full details on how to access the materials, resources and to sign-up to specific events are included below:

Delivered in South Derbyshire and Erewash by Treetops Hospice ▶

Becoming a Disability Confident Leader
You may want to consider how your business can be recognised as being a Disability Confident Leader. This involves having your self-assessment validated and being able to demonstrate leadership.
Read about becoming a Disability Confident Leader ▶
Guidance on employing disabled people and people with health conditions ▶